Who doesn’t like cupcake? They are cute, they are sweet and they are easy to share. And if you happen to be one of the cupcake lover and love bakery, you would love the cupcake molds in this post. From creepy skull molds to lovely heart-shape mold, there are 10 cool Cupcake Molds waiting for you to explore. Take you time and hope you enjoy!
1. NOMSKULLS Cupcake Molds [amazon]
Nomskulls are ready to fill with your favorite grey batter and bake into perfect cupcake craniums. One bite and you’ll be head over heels, because there’s no doubt about it - this skull bone’s connected to the YUM bone!

2. AristoCakes Cupcake Molds [amazon]
AristoCakes turn any party into a royal ball! Just add these clever, crown-shaped cupcake bakers to the festivities and suddenly your little gathering is as cool as a cotillion. Four jewel-toned crowns are made of food-grade silicone and are royally reusable.

3. Cake Pop Mini-Molds [amazon]
These easy to use Patent Pending No-Bake Cake Pop Molds will help you make fun cake pop designs with ease. Use a mixture of Oreo Cookie and Cream Cheese or any of your favorite cake pop recipes to fill the mold cavity, press and shape. Then chill and dip!

4. FOSSIL FOOD Cupcake Molds [amazon]
Turn dessert time into an archaeological adventure. Each Fossil Food silicone cupcake baker contains a 3-D molded fossil" at the bottom - it’s up to your junior fossil-hunter to unearth the hidden dino! Can you dig it? You bet! Each set of 4 silicone cupcake molds is packaged in a handsome gift box.

5. Silicone Heart Cupcake Molds [amazon]
Set of 8 brightly colored heart-shaped cupcake holders: 4 red and 4 pink molds.
Made of reusable food grade silicone; heat resistant to 600 degrees F.
Simply place on cookie sheet to bake
Easy to use and durable; dishwasher safe
Measurements: 2.5 x 2.5 x 1.2 inches

6. Holiday Cupcake Molds [amazon]
Set of 12 colorful cupcake holders featuring 3 fun holiday shapes: 4 brown gingerbread men molds, 4 red star molds and 4 green tree molds
Made of durable reusable silicone, molds are heat resistant to 600 degrees F
Simply place on cookie sheet to bake
Easy to use and eco-friendly; dishwasher safe
Measurements: Gingerbread boy 3.5 x 3 x 1.25 inches, Star 3.5 x 3.5 x 1.25 inches, Tree 3.5 x 2.75 x 1.25 inches

7. Yumbot Cupcake Molds [amazon]
YumBots are happy to serve mankind. Just fill their cubic heads with cake batter and set your oven to stun. In a few nanomoments you’ll have an entire squad of scifi cupcakes. Made of high-tech silicone and built to last, each ‘Bot has a rotating head for extra android action.

8. Teacup Cakes Cupcake Mold [amazon]
Bake and serve your cupcakes right in these teacup-shaped silicone molds and delight your tea party guests! We’ve included four reusable, food-safe silicone baking cups complete with saucers for a most elegant presentation. TeaCupCakes are 100%-pure silicone and phthalate-free plastic.

9. Silly- Feet Silicone Baking Cups [amazon]
Set of 4 reusable silicone baking cups in many colors and shapes
Comes in orange, yellow, blue and purple colors
Footed silicone baking cups measures 2-5/16-inch high
Dishwasher and oven safe
Dishwasher Safe

10. Silicone Spider Baking Cups [amazon]
Reusable spider-shaped silicone baking cups are great for baking brownies, cupcakes, muffins and serving treats like candy, trail mix, ice cream, crackers and more. Contains 6 reusable spider-shaped silicone baking cups.